Important Information
Electronic Consent: If you would like to receive KRRMC notices and invoices via email, please download and return the electronic consent form from the documents page.
King Ranch Basic Restrictions: King Ranch has a DEPCR document that outlines the basic restriction for all property owners, whether members of KRRMC or not. Here is a link to the documents page that contains a 1-page excerpt of the DEPCR with these restrictions.
October 2024 - See financials to download Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss documents for FY25Q1 (June 3, 2024) and FY25Q2 (September 30, 2024
Next annual meeting: June 2025
Welcome to the King Ranch Community. King Ranch (KR) is comprised of approximately 40 properties, on which 25+ homes have been built. King Ranch property owners can be counted upon to be friendly and supportive.
This website is intended to provide property owners information that will be helpful and add to their satisfaction of residing here. As specified in the KR Declaration of Obligation for Maintenance of Roads (DOMR), which was included in the purchase documents of each property, the King Ranch Road Maintenance Committee (KRRMC) was established.
The KRRMC is comprised of three home/property owners who volunteer their effort and time. Committee members are entrusted with overseeing the proper maintenance of our KR private roads. As proper road maintenance contributes significantly to the value of all our properties, the KRRMC has a vital and important responsibility. Two members are elected on odd years, and one member is elected on even years. Elections are conducted in the Fall of each year and notices are sent to all KR residents beforehand. Anyone wishing to volunteer as a committee member is encouraged to submit her/his name as a candidate.
For the 2021-2022 election, there were no self-nominations from the property owners to serve as committee members, and therefore, no election was held. Mr. Gil Campos and Mr. Tony Scalise have volunteered to continue serving on the committee, along with current member Mr. Gary LaRochelle.
Please take the time to review the KRRMC documents to better understand the responsibilities of all home/property owners and to also learn of actions taken by the KRRMC.